Barcelona facing climate change

Given the challenges posed by the climate emergency, Barcelona is taking measures to reduce emissions but also to adapt to the effects the city is already experiencing and will increasingly experience. Barcelona is therefore becoming a proactive city that adopts a comprehensive approach to tackling climate change and assumes its responsibility in that regard; a city that can find opportunities in difficulties and adapts to new climate conditions intelligently, generating co-benefits for people and socio-economic activity.

Climate shelters

A network of spaces that provide thermal comfort to the population, while maintaining other uses or functionalities.

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Barcelona Superblock

Barcelona has embarked on a large transformation of public space to take on the big challenges of the future and put residents’ lives at the centre.

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Agenda + Sustainable

Want to know what's going on in the city? A monthly publication for those interested in sustainability activities: workshops, talks, interactive games…

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Climate emergency: science responds

The scientific community met in May in Barcelona to celebrate the second Scientific Conference, a space to share experiences and research on climate change.

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Exposició itinerant: Barcelona respon a l’emergència climàtica

The aim behind this exhibition is to offer an educational, interactive and close-up presentation of the climate emergency in Barcelona.

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Climate emergency declaration

On 15 January 2020, the city of Barcelona declared a climate emergency and accelerated a series of changes involving all players in the city.

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Women and climate

Barcelona wants to promote women's leadership in the fight against climate change. To do so, it has joined the C40 Cities’ Women4Climate (W4C) programme.

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Climate shelters in schools

Barcelona City Council has received funding from Urban Innovation Action (UIA), a European Commission programme as part of the ‘Adapting schools to climate change through green, blue and grey’, project

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Discover the
Climate Plan

El Pla Clima pretén ser una visió integradora de les mesures per fer front al canvi climàtic, que permeti assolir els objectius del nou Pacte d’Alcaldes i Alcaldesses per l’Energia i el Clima que ha signat l’Ajuntament de Barcelona.

Barcelona has a specific plan for the climate emergency, the Climate Plan 2018-2030, the four key areas of which are mitigation, adaptation, citizen action and climate justice.

Barcelona's strategy for tackling climate change:

  • Focuses on people, because climate change directly affects the health and quality of life of citizens.
  • Seeks to comprehensively transform the city in order to tackle the risks and turn them into opportunities.
  • Speeds up efficiency, renovation and the introduction of renewable energies so we are better adapted.
  • Approaches this through a process of co-production with city residents.

Ckeck the Climate Emergency Action Plan 2030


Gabions de bioregeneració al port de Barcelona

Pilot project to foster seabed biodiversity

07/05/2024 - 15:43 h

Climate emergency. The Port Olímpic installs twenty bioregenaration gabions to favour the recovery of marine ecosystems.

Graphic image for “The Proactive City 2024”

La Ciutat Proactiva 2024 grants seek innovative projects to tackle the drought

11/04/2024 - 15:00 h

BIT Habitat. BIT Habitat is set to launch the La Ciutat Proactiva 2024 call for grants, which on this occasion will go to projects that help to combat the emergency situation caused by the drought.

Twenty children’s play areas to get shade structures in 2025

02/04/2024 - 15:49 h

Urban planning and infrastructures. The government commission has started the process to tender their manufacture.

Barcelona to reflect on the future of the oceans at the UN Ocean Decade Conference

20/03/2024 - 10:26 h

Science. The event, which will take place from 10-12 April in Barcelona, includes plenary lectures, sessions and other activities to seek science-based solutions for a sustainable ocean.


But... hasn’t Earth survived many episodes of climate change? Why should we be worried?


What can a city like Barcelona do in response to a global problem like climate change?


What are the biggest challenges that Barcelona will have to face in relation to climate change?


What are the biggest climate justice challenges that Barcelona will have to face in relation to climate change?